pHenomenal water is sold as an alkaline water concentrate. When diluted according to directions, it stimulates optimum pH balance in the body. While there is extensive anecdotal data about individuals who have experienced significant improvements in health while using pHenomenal, there are no claims or warranties that pHenomenal has any medicinal uses or effects.
There is significant anecdotal information (from thousands of customers) that suggests that there are no known adverse side effects or drug interactions with the pHenomenal products. It is the responsibility of the user, however, to seek medical advice before using pHenomenal to determine if other drugs, homeopathic remedies, foods, allergies or existing medical conditions will lead to any adverse effects when combined with the use of pHenomenal.
Any medical doctor, homeopathic medical doctor, other licensed medical professional or lay person who administers pHenomenal orally, topically or in any delivery system, assumes all liability, responsibility and accountability for any contraindications or adverse effects. It is the responsibility of the user to ensure that practitioners who administer pHenomenal provide clear warnings to their patients that this product has not been clinically tested for medical efficacy, drug interaction or unusual side effects.
None of the workers or contributors associated with this site has medical training and all information given is according to their knowledge of the product. This information is not intended to replace a medical doctor’s advice. The workers simply relay information from other clients and what has worked for these clients.