Real Audio Testimonials

Photo of Michael D.-

Michael D.- "At 61 I train in Krav Maga and I know for a fact it increases my oxygen level and gives me an energy boost..."

Photo of  Tiffany-

Tiffany- "I started using pHenomenal about 6 months ago and am excited with the results! I have so much energy, I don't drink hardly any coffee, my health is so much better than it used to be, it has helped with weight loss- thank you so much for creating this product."

Photo of  Michael-

Michael- "I use it for workout recovery- it is truly an energy drink. I also use Spencer's Gel for skin rejuvenation- if I could afford it I would bathe in Spencer's Gel, it is amazing stuff"

What does a 2-time Mr. Universe think about pHenomenal Alkaline Water Concentrate?

Photo of Carol-

Carol- "I've been taking pHenomenal for blood pH test came back at 7, it has always been at 5. I feel like it helps exercising, I work out heavily 6 days a week and I'm 74 years old "

Photo of  Kathy-

Kathy- - **Fair warning- this is an emotional recording**

Photo of Grant-

Grant- - "I have to really thank you guys for the wonderful has stopped much of my wife's acid reflux, it does work great."

Photo of Gene-

Gene- "I have a relatively long association with pHenomenal. I am 83 and contribute much of my good health to pHenomenal water."

Jade's pHenomenal Water Testimonial

Photo of Judie-

Judie- "I have suffered with a staph infection on my face which was diagnosed as MRSA for over ten years. I found the pHenomenal site at my lowest point. In a matter of monthsthe majority of my sores have disappeared. pHenomenal water has been the answer to my prayers and I thank God every day for it."

Photo of Sandra-

Sandra- "Nobody could figure out what was wrong with me, I was breaking out in hives all over my body. What is so fantastic about this product is that it actually grabs the acid out of your body. I've had no sicknesses, no colds, nothing. This product could help millions if they knew about it."

Photo of  Jim-

Jim- "I just feel better every day using. I have a better energy level and life is good!"

Photo of  Denise-

Denise- "I have had horrible rosacea,I had terrible pustules on my face. I found pHenomenal and I praise it, would recommend it to anybody and hope it is there forever and ever."

Colby Ballinger- 2014 World Deadlift Champ (723lbs)

Photo of Katherine

Katherine- "I would be on the purple pill if it weren't for pHenomenal. It is also my go-to drink whenI'm in my spinning class."

Photo of Shirley-

Shirley- "...eventually my entire body became infected with MRSA, my husband contracted it from me. I found Shannon's website and as I have a scientific background, using the acid/alkalinity factor to help seemed plausible. I ordered the Spencer's Gel and B-pHree and we are amazed at how it helped to decolonize our outbreaks."

Photo of Joel

Joel-  "I've been taking pHenomenal regularly since about 2008. I have always had sinus issues it would take 2-3 weeks for my cold to run its course. Now if I do get any sickness, it goes away really quickly. It's just awesome to know that I have a secret weapon that I can boost up on"

Photo of Norman

Norman-  "Since using B-pHree for at least 6-7 years for infections on an ongoing basis I no longer have boils that need to be lanced and treated.

Mark Conway's pHenomenal Water Testimonial

Photo of Ashley-

Ashley- - "Even with a prescription and diet management I had to sleep sitting up due to acid reflux. After about a month of pHenomenalwas able to ease up on my prescription and eventually stop it altogether. pHenomenal has changed my life for the better and I can't recommend it highly enough."

Photo of Terry-

Terry- "I have gout in my left leg and left foot. I started pHenomenal at noon and one hour later my left leg still hurt but was better. I continued to drink through the rest of the day and the next morning my gout pain was completely gone."

Photo of Jade-

Jade- "I drink it first thing in the morning, it wakes me up and gets me going."

Photo of Julie-

Julie- "pHenomenal has just been great for our family and I recommend it to anyone I know."

Photo of  Alan-

Alan- "I have a disease called Morgellonswhich causes open sores that last for months and months. Spencer's Gel really closes up the sores. I still have the disease but Spencer's Gel is the only thing that has ever worked for this part of the disease."

Photo of Jan-

Jan- "I was diagnosed with MRSA. pHenomenal has been a lifesaver for me."